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Pro-Trac 100

Pro Trac 100

The Pro-Trac 100 is a low-cost, self-contained sensor positioner designed for standard-duty operations. Supplied with remote controller/digital readout, the Pro-Trac 100 is easily adapted to any process line for remote and/or centralized positioning capabilities.

This positioner uses an extruded aluminum body, providing a maximum overall length of approximately 64.0" (1651 mm). The Pro-Trac 100 is ideal for edge guiding or center guiding applications. Whether used as a completely self-contained unit or added to an existing guide installation, various sensor mounting adaptors make virtually any orientation possible.


Key Features:

  • Low-cost, self-contained positioner ideal for edge or center guiding applications
  • Display and motor controls are combined in a single unit for easy installation
  • Adjusts for either side of process line readout
  • Shows either inches or millimeters; up to 3-digit display
  • Shows either web width or sensor position
  • Adaptable to almost any guide installation
  • Remote Control panel installation up to 50' away
  • Sensor mounting available for virtually every Fife sensor
  • Custom designed and manufactured to meet your specific requirements
  • Sensors, controls, and actuators are selected based on your guiding system requirements

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