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美塞斯产品家族 当前位置:首页 >> MAGPOWR产品首页 >> TC-5/TC-5P 

TC-5/TC-5P Current Regulated Power Supply MAGPOWR - SPyder LC Tension Control

It’s a dependable current regulated power supply that will operate all standard MAGPOWR clutches and brakes. The MAGPOWR TC-5 is a solid state current regulated 90 VDC power supply. It has four current ranges of 1/8, ¼, ½ and 1 amp. The current range is selected by a simple jumper on the circuit board. This unit also includes reverse current circuitry as a standard feature, thus allowing greater controllability in the lowest torque range of the clutch or brake being operated.

It’s easy to work with. The front panel meter indicates the current output and automatically reads full scale for each current range selected. The operator controls the output by rotating the front panel potentiometer. The TC-5 is available as an enclosure mounted control, while the TC-5P is a front panel mounted unit. It’s your choice. Download the brochure, send us a request for quote or call us right away.

Key Features:

  • Four current ranges 1/8, ¼, ½ and 1 amp
  • Enclosure mounted or front panel mounted options
  • Reverse current circuitry provides greater control in low-torque applications
  • Operates MAGPOWR Magnetic Particle Brakes and Clutches with 90 VDC coils
  • Reverse current -3.6 to 90 VDC


Regulation: Better than 2% of range selected

Temperature Range:  Operating 0 to 40 degrees Celsius

Meter: Reads 0 to 100% of selected current r

General Specifications:
95 to 135 VAC, 50/60Hz, 1.2 amp maximum 
-3.6 to 90 VDC selectable current ranges 1/8, ¼, 1/2, and 1amp maximum.

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