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美塞斯产品家族 当前位置:首页 >> MAGPOWR产品首页 >> SOFSTEP® Brakes 

SOFSTEP® Magnetic Particle Brakes

When you need precise torque and tension control, use the original SOFSTEP®  brakes with MAGPOWR controls.  As the industry leader in tension technology, MAGPOWR is the original SOFSTEP provider.  SOFSTEP brakes are available in a variety of sizes with torque ratings from 2 to 240 lb-in.  They provide smooth controllable torque for power transmission and tension applications.

You'll experience exceptional control with the SOFSTEP brakes.  Torque is independent of slip speed and directly proportional to input current.  There is also no shock or torque spikes during engagement, so you'll have controlled acceleration of every load. 

Key Features:

  • No maintenance - nothing to monitor or adjust
  • Quiet operation - no slap or squeaks
  • Energy efficient
  • Adaptable (mounted horizontally or vertically)
  • Compact design – high torque to size ratio
  • Soft starts and stops

  General Specifications:

·         Fast response (engagement happens in milliseconds)

·         Totally enclosed

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